This week and the following weeks we are supposed to start something called cold calling. Cold calling is where you call an organization or someones number without any previous contact or warning you were going to call. To me this is both exhilarating and frightening. After all, the worst they can say is no right?
I need to set up three interviews and have them done by the end of November and decide on my mentor in December. I already know who I should start interview and may be able to get some contacts from them for another person. The first person I am thinking of is one of the battalion chiefs in Frisco, Battalion Chief Morrison. The second person, which may be a reach, is Dr. Mark Gamber who is the EMS Medical Director of Frisco and surrounding cities. He creates the protocols the firefighters follow or if they need to get a doctors permission for something in the field they will call him. These two people could offer me a great insight to how the fire department works and operates from a different perspective. Lastly I think I will interview a firefighter, lieutenant, or captain to get someone who is actively in the field responding to calls opinion.
These three different people all work in a different part of the fire service so I think they would offer invaluable information that can cover the administrative, front line, and hospital side of the fire service. The hard part will be reaching out and initiating the interactions and ask to have an interview. I do not want to get cold feet. Additionally, in the mean time I will start my cold calls to other people in case I can't reach these people for interviews so I will have other points of contact and backups. I am very excited to talk to these professionals, lets just hope with some preparation and luck I can be successful in obtaining a mentor. Let the search begin.