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Testing The Waters

Sep 8, 2024

2 min read




September 9, 2024

Most of the classes I have taken so far at Frisco High, or in my student career, have all been because I had to. Everyone has to get their Math, Science, English, and History credits. Even with electives, they follow a strict plan so you still have very little wiggle room. That is, every elective except ISM.

With school starting up again, the workload can be a major adjustment. After a few classes, my brain clocks out. There is a huge difference between learning what is being told to you, and learning what you want. ISM promotes creativity and lets me look into what I actually want to learn about. This is a breath of fresh air compared to all my other studies.

On the other hand, this newfound freedom has some drawbacks. The work is not like any I have done before. I need to put more effort into the assignments and learn new techniques to research and compile data. That's why these first few weeks I am testing the waters of ISM before I dive in. Our assignments build upon each other so over time they will grow to be more complex. This lets us get acclimated to the work and parameters we normally do not have.

The topic I chose to focus on is firefighting. Most people do not seem to know the extent of what being a firefighter actually means besides putting out a fire and helping at car wrecks. I hope my research and presentations can bring enlightenment to the public on the inner workings of the job and the unique dynamic it has.

Furthermore, I wanted to take this class not to just educate, but also to help improve the fire service through my original work. From understanding the behavior of different types of fires to optimizing response times and effectiveness, research serves as a cornerstone for continuous improvement in the firefighting profession. Through my year in the Explorer Program at the Frisco Fire Department, I have witnessed multiple things that seem to be outdated and wish to improve upon to make firefighter's rigorous life easier. Wrapping this up, I will update periodically on what I ultimately decide to focus my attention on to improve and the accompanying research I gather throughout the expanse of this class.

Sep 8, 2024

2 min read





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