This week we have our symposium where we meet and interview a variety of people who are professionals in their occupation. We are supposed to network, share our LinkedIn, give and be interviewed, and dress professionally, the whole nine yards. Now, I have two jobs, one of which had a panel interview to get, so it's not like I am freshly new to the idea of interviews. I have done them in some of my classes, with family and friends, and employment. However, despite these examples, I am still very nervous to interview for people who are successful in life because that's all I want.
It is kind of intimidating to have a negligible amount of work experience and talk to these people who have been practicing for years and maintain an intellectual conversation. I am not expecting to meet a firefighter there as I am assuming most people will be from the medical field as the majority of people who take ISM want to be in the medical field. I am going mainly for the insight to their success, see if I can get any tips or tricks, learn from other's mistakes, network with other students, and gain ideas on what they think they will do for their original work and eventually final product. It's also mandatory, but that is a small detail.
Overall, I think this will be very beneficial for me to learn more about the world, people's perspectives, and gain ideas I can implement to also be successful. Either way, I am going to be scared straight walking into this but no one will know as I can carry a conversation on the fly and smile when I am very much not at ease. At least I think I can do those convincingly...